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I am a light worker, starseed, and angel intuitive. My services include channelling of the light to serve individuals on their journey towards spiritual growth and healing. I work predominantly with the Seven Mighty Elohim and all cosmic beings to aid in this process. My treatments include energy healing, past life regression, chakra balancing, and spiritual coaching. I also work with Mother Earth and all elementals for planetary healing.

My healing methods have come from 20 years of deep inner healing and integration work.  Now I AM FREE. Through this personal journey I have learnt and gained wisdom from the angels and spirit. Today I bring these treatments, understandings and COSMIC TRUTHS to YOU to empower you to BE FREE in a new way of being. 

Treatments and workshops that I provide assist the individual to evolve through all  their levels of being. I am the channel or the facilitator of this healing process. The true healing comes from the  person I am serving in front of me - YOU, the key. I am honoured to empower all on their journey into self empowerment. One must do this one step at a time. This journey is easier to navigate with someone to Hold you in LOVE.  My calling is to `hold a space of love'  for you while you heal and integrate. I AM LOVE, we are all LOVE.

Treatments and courses offered:

In person treatments and sessions available in clinic in Waihi.
These treatments can also be done online as well through Google Meets

Akashic Healing - Receive healing on all timelines past, present and future timelines.  We dive into this process with Archangel Metatron who connects you to your book of life. We visit the Akashic field to complete healing and integration. This session goes for one to one and half hours and is  recorded. 

This also can be used for ancestral healing which I offer over four weeks in a package that includes guidance and support. This journey involves diving deep into healing the ancestral patterns, programs and karma. 

There is a new developmental course called Akashic Healing - Self Healing Level One - available to learn how to do Akashic Healing yourself. 

Holistic Healing Session - Receive healing from your team of light as I channel them to direct me on how to `hold space' and allow you to receive the light to heal and integrate. The team of light can include ancestors, angels, guides, elementals and galactic energies. I use  crystals, light language, reiki and many other forms of healing that are tailored to you. This journey is to be held with love and empowers you to return to wholeness. Session goes for one to one and half hours.

New Way of Being with the Angelic Beings (R)
Channelled course from the Seven Mighty Elohim - The course is offered in four stages that assist you to evolve to the highest version of self.  To empower you to BE a new way of being for yourself and the planet.

Souls Evolutionary Journey
- We dive deep into your souls purpose, mission and origins. We travel deep into the Akashic field  to reveal what you need to know right now that is best going to serve you.  This reading reveals also soul groups, planets you are from and energies within and around you. Session goes for one to one and half hours and is recorded.

Empowerment sessions with oracle cards - Receive channelled messages from your team of light with the use of oracle cards. This session is one hour and is recorded. This session is to empower you on your journey in the NOW. I connect with your team in spirit for most important information you need currently on your path.

Intuitive Art - Receive a channelled individual art piece from your team of light and channelled messages. 

Angel Healing (R) and Teaching. Accredited with Calista in the UK as an Angel Healing (R) Practitioner and teacher of Levels One and Two.

Galactic Connections - This is a session where I connect with your star system and channel messages from them to support you on your mission on earth.

Heart Centred Empowerment - This is guidance from the angels with guidance to enrich and empower you in your life.

Angelic Hug - with your guardian angels. This is a new channelled way of connected directly to your guardian angel where they channel through me messages and direct contact with their energy to you through giving you an energetic hug. 

Dragon Two Day Course - Balance and Transformation. This two day course we will dive into these concepts with wisdom of the dragons. We learn how to heal ourselves, animals and the land.  This course is run inperson in Waihi, New Zealand.



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