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 New Way of Being with the Angelic Beings (R)


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Journey through the
course levels

This course is split into four levels to take a person  through a  journey of evolution into a new way of being. This course is channelled by the angels through myself to bring an empowering course to the masses.


Each stage you receive activations and alignments to the energy of each level. This assists the individual to understand the course content and to raise their frequency in each level. This aides in integration within the body.


This course is for self development in an easy and comfortable way in  a safe and supportive environment. This is done by one of our trained  facilitators. There are six facilitators that cover Australia and New Zealand.


This course can be done online or in-person.  All levels have a booklet and certificate at the end of this course, The course has ongoing support through one month after classes to support for integration and learning.​


The premise of this journey is to support you where you are at in your spiritual evolution and human life. This assists you in the `remembrance' that we are all equal and valued in eyes of spirit. That we all bring knowledge and wisdom to the collective. We work as a team in premise of UNITY COUSIOUNESS. 



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Levels of the Course

Level One - Is the foundational level that takes you through an understanding from the eyes of spirit on humanity's origins and  evolution moving forward. You receive ten activations and alignments to 5D consciousness, which is the current energy on the earth . This course is 6 hours long in total and the facilitator can teach this in blocks for ease of integration of the energy of the course. 


Level Two - This course is ran over four weeks in two hour blocks to assist the person to apply the practical application of the new spiritual frequency received in Level One. They provide  detailed topics and learning that supports the individual on earth to implement spirit to matter in a safe way. Subjects such as meditation, inner child work, protection, channelling and much more information. You receive an alignment to the Mighty I AM or soul to assist you to align perfectly to your soul. 

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Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 - This level is channelled by ascended masters such as Buddha, Jesus and Horus and many more. Their role is to support us on our evolution as they are the experts in this realm and have lived human lives. Receive 8 activations to align you to the rays of light e.g. white, blue green and so forth. These rays from source energy are used by the ascended masters and on their journey to ascension.  This course is 6 hours long. 


Level 4 - This level is the cosmic level -  this journey is two eight hour days or split in sections by the facilitator. This journey is self mastery level where the journey is to leadership in your own life. Learn the cosmic understanding through different star seed information channelled. Receive activations to assist your vibration into stepping up into the cosmic level. You receive a booklet which is channelled  with understanding on how the cosmos works, where we come from and the many forms of healing e.g.  Akashic Healing, Working with other star seeds, light language. Different light beings come in such as Ra, Archangel Metatron, Pleiadeans, Lyrans and so forth. 



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